Thread: Winning
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Old 10-02-2018, 04:13 PM   #44
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Re: Winning

Originally Posted by sdskinsfan2001 View Post
To any democrats/liberals in this thread, what are like the top 3-5 policies/ideals/laws/etc. that are the most important to you? I mean this seriously. I think we live in such an us vs. them/take no prisoners world that actual helpful discussions are harder and harder to have. I'd imagine we all have a lot more in common than not, just have different ideas of how to achieve them.
First like it or not I am a registered Republican.I'll take a shot

1) Healthcare for everyone . ACA you don't just dump it it,you fix what is wrong with it and you move on .
2)Social Security ,it's a flawed system but you don't fuck with it till you have a better system in place.
3) Welfare ,it's needed but again it's time to fix it .People should work for their money
4) We need to be the Big Player again Fuck Russia ,Fuck China ..this is a World economy but and American company should take care of it's American workers and if it won't, YES, the goverment should make them.
5) Our Military ,it is the best in the World ! We need to take better care of current and former Soldiers .
6) Education ,someone tell me why the first cuts made are always Education

7) Term limits ,including the SCOTUS

I'm sure with more time I can think of others things and this list is not in order of importance either ,just a random list to start.

Okay ,rip me apart!
....DISCLAIMER: All of my posts/threads are my expressed typed opinion and the reader is not to assume these comments are absolute fact, law, or truth unless otherwise stated in said post/thread.
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