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Old 01-28-2021, 07:03 PM   #73
Hug Anne Spyder
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Re: stocks in meltdown mode

Not gonna lie, I wish I was smart enough to understand the stock market enough to buy in on the Gamestop/AMC/etc. stocks while the gettin' was good.

But everybody smart enough to understand the stock market says the first rule is if you don't know what you're doing, don't buy individual stocks.

So here I sit watching everybody else get rich off the action.

I understand the basic concept of stocks, you buy low and sell high. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Diversify your bonds, ninja. But this whole concept of short-sales and selling stocks you don't own so you can buy them back later at a lower price doesn't make sense to me at all. I just can't understand why you would be allowed to sell a stock you don't own.

Makes me happy seeing people who manipulate the market for a living (and get rich doing it) getting a taste of their own medicine though.
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