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Old 06-08-2007, 01:46 PM   #71
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Re: What REALLY grinds your gears?

Originally Posted by 12thMan View Post
Man, you bring up another "grind my gears." It seems lately one escalator isn't working. Again, it's usually during peak hours when everyone's either running late, pissed at their spouse, or hate their job!

So the train pulls up to the station, the doors open, everyone pours off and quickly scurries to the one working escalator going down. Of course, fifty or sixty people just can't get on the escalator together, so everything hinges on the first two or three assholes taking that first step onto the the moving contraption beneath their feet.

Now here's what grinds my gears. It's that split second when they get to the top of the escalator and suddenly become hyptnotized by the black piece of rotating metal. Now the other 100 assholes behind the first two or three are now bottle necked and looking on in Matrix style slow motion!

Here's what I've also found, it doesn't matter if they're an attorney, CPA, construction worker, teacher, Judge, our just your random thug, they all suffer from this momentary lapse of memory and how they performed this rudimentary function just the previous day (except me of course when I'm trashed)

I swear this old lady, had to be in her 70s, elbowed the hell out of me, hopped the bottom three stairs and jumped the train before it pulled off. Now she had it figured out!

I guess I should call this confessions of a Metro commuter.
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