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Old 03-25-2020, 08:54 PM   #8
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Re: Why Hasn't Anyone Talked About-A Possible Cancellation?

One option that I haven't seen discussed, (which makes sense because we're far from the point where it would become necessary), would be to play the season (or part of it) in empty stadiums (wouldn't change that much for us and a couple of franchises ^^).

The reasoning is that most of the money coming from TV deals, if that sh*t was to linger until September, the NFL could be willing to lose a piece of the cake in order to salvage most of it vs losing all the cake.

I've been spending quite a lot of time in Japan these days, and watching a lot of sumo wrestling. They held the March tournament without any audience, checking all wrestlers' body temperature 3 times a day, any wrestler going above 38,5° had to withdraw for one day, be checked for corona, and they would have cancelled the tournament if one out of the 650+ wrestlers had corona.

I understand the NFL is a way bigger business and that this system would be way more complicated to implement on a 2200 players (+coaches+refs++++) split on 30 different locations (vs 650 wrestlers in one location) ... but if corona was threatening this huge business, I don't think it's crazy to think the NFL would be willing to try just about anything to generate some $.
Derz Ambassaderz in the Land of the Rising Sun. Oui Monsieur.
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