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Old 05-05-2010, 01:20 PM   #30
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Re: Washington, D.C., Approves Medical Use of Marijuana

Originally Posted by Rainy Parade View Post
well, while smoking anything isn't good for your lungs. MJ isn't just "not worse than tobacco" it doesn't contain nearly the amount of harmful chemicals, carcinogens and addictive ingredients. MJ has never killed anyone... how many thousands per day/week does cigs kill?

as for the gateway... what a myth. it's based on stuff like "what's the first drug you tried" answer is always MJ. of course. the fact that some cokehead or heroin junkie first tried "drugs" with MJ when they were 15 doesn't mean one led to the other.

how come ALCOHOL is never called a gateway drug? cuz really, most everyone starts their experimentation with inebriation by drinking. once you're out drinking/partying you are likely to end up in a position to start trying drugs. how many alcohol related deaths are there per year?

so yea, i dont smoke anymore... but i'm still a supporter.

This is stoner talk even if you dont smoke.

To say weed has never killed anyone is a absolute myth, especially when using the same logic that tobacco kills people via chemicals and carcinogens causing death from things like cancer. There are no chemicals or carcinogens in weed? And how many weed related deaths are there a year, would there be more if it were legal? People dont make poor choices when there high, or drive a car while there high?

Im personally all for legalizing it and think it will be a great thing when it happens. I do agree that it will dramatically reduce drug dealers and the drug trade and raise tax revenues, but more importantly, to me, it will give people the freedom to make decisions that affect their bodies themselves.

A long while ago I got a allergy test and it turns out im allergic to dust mites. So this doctor gives me some Flonase and says I should use it every day to combat my allergy. There was this girl I remembered from high school that used Afrin all time and was literately addicted to it (look it up). Also I think if you use Afrin too much you can even permanently harden normally soft nasal tissues and then have even more problems with congestion among other things. So I asked my doctor about this and it brought about a whole discussion. Pretty much everything used to be OTC back in the day and the FDA wasn’t around until about 100 years ago and they couldn’t/didn’t test things like they can/do now. So Flonase is a safe drug that can be used daily without addition or permanent long term negative effects, but there are potential interactions and side effects from it (all of which are much less substantial then potential negatives of Afrin), so it has to be regulated nowadays. Things like tylenol, advil, decongestions, and other drugs are over the counter because they have been around for a while, not because they are safer or less effective than other available prescription drugs. Remember when Claritin was available only by prescription, then it went OTC? It takes a long time for even the safest drugs to be OTC. Seriously think about it why in the hell should all these drugs be only available by prescription? Who is going to abuse Claritin or Flonase? So I guess my point is why are people unable to make decisions for themselves, whether it be to smoke weed and combat some dust mites with Flonase, or drink a beer and help relieve a headache with some advil? Its all pretty ridiculous when you think about the over regulation especially when it comes to our own bodies.
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