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Josh Harris finalizes deal to buy Commanders

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Old 09-27-2023, 09:46 PM   #196
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Re: Josh Harris finalizes deal to buy Commanders

Yea ., I come here to debate/discuss football .. I have my opinions but I keep the political ones for the voting booth .. in todays climate I can see why the name was changed … BUT I still do not understand why Cleveland changed from Indians to guardians … HOW IS calling a team Indians wrong?? And is a Brave or a Blackhawk or a chief not an Indian or is the word Indian in and of itself rascist??? .. Is an Indian not a Native American or is an Indian someone from India ?? Is it wrong to say Canadian or American or African or Russian… someone set me straight
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Old 09-27-2023, 10:44 PM   #197
punch it in
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Josh Harris finalizes deal to buy Commanders

Originally Posted by rocnrik View Post
Yea ., I come here to debate/discuss football .. I have my opinions but I keep the political ones for the voting booth .. in todays climate I can see why the name was changed … BUT I still do not understand why Cleveland changed from Indians to guardians … HOW IS calling a team Indians wrong?? And is a Brave or a Blackhawk or a chief not an Indian or is the word Indian in and of itself rascist??? .. Is an Indian not a Native American or is an Indian someone from India ?? Is it wrong to say Canadian or American or African or Russian… someone set me straight

Actually an Indian is someone from India. Lol.
I believe the Indians changed because of that and obviously Chief Wahoo was weirdly terrible. So Indians and Redskins were just not correct or considered racist….

I think the overwhelming majority of NA’s that have a problem with it is that they don’t want to be “mascots”. They have a problem with all those teams you mentioned. Indians and Redskins was probably considered even worse. There really isn’t another race of people that are cartooned …. I cant think of a better word. Again I go to the example of say the Atlanta Yellowskins and there is a picture of an asian dude on the helmet. That feels wrong to me. Lol.

I wish Commanders offended people. Maybe we can start a petition claiming to be relatives of actual Commanders who are offended? It is such a terrible name. Im still embarrassed to say it. Haha.

Last edited by punch it in; 09-27-2023 at 11:18 PM.
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Old 09-27-2023, 11:02 PM   #198
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Re: Josh Harris finalizes deal to buy Commanders

Originally Posted by punch it in View Post
There are roughly 9 million people in this nation that identify as at least partially NA, and neither you or anyone else knows what a majority of them think. For every poll you want to show me that says out of 1000 people surveyed a majority approve, I can show you one that says a majority don’t. So your statement is certifiably without basis in fact.

If you want to refer to woke as a mob have at it.
Woke is an adjective derived from African-American Vernacular English (AAVE) meaning "alert to racial prejudice and discrimination". Beginning in the 2010s, it came to encompass a broader awareness of social inequalities such as racial justice, sexism and LGBT rights.

There are bad apples in every bunch. Rioters, or criminals on both sides. They are known to make generalized statements towards other groups based on nothing other than propaganda. E.G all right wingers are racist, or all those fighting for social equality are thugs, woke mob, etc. Don’t be one of those apples. Woke to me simply means being aware of social inequalities. If you think that everyone in this country is treated equally you need to open your ears and eyes. If you want to continue this conversation Ill be happy to in one of the political threads. Yes it is related to the team name but we are really straying into politics at this point. This is supposed to be a celebration of our new owner in here.
Except you can't show me a poll that shows the opposite on this issue. Only two actual polls were ever conducted on this issue both with identical results. And don't bother raising the study whose purpose was to refute the WP poll. That wasn't a poll (which the study admits) and it's methodology was widely criticized (ie lumping Redskins in groups of other words with actual offensive statements and then extrapolating results you want is what they got raked over the coals for).
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Old 09-27-2023, 11:10 PM   #199
punch it in
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Re: Josh Harris finalizes deal to buy Commanders

Originally Posted by nonniey View Post
Except you can't show me a poll that shows the opposite on this issue. Only two actual polls were ever conducted on this issue both with identical results. And don't bother raising the study whose purpose was to refute the WP poll that wasn't a poll and it's methodology was widely criticized.

9 million NA’s and like I said you , nor anyone else knows how even a fraction of them feel let alone a majority except for them. Anyway That’ll be my last comment on the name Redskins forever because….

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Old 09-28-2023, 05:03 AM   #200
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Re: Josh Harris finalizes deal to buy Commanders

Originally Posted by punch it in View Post
There are roughly 9 million people in this nation that identify as at least partially NA, and neither you or anyone else knows what a majority of them think. For every poll you want to show me that says out of 1000 people surveyed a majority approve, I can show you one that says a majority don’t. So your statement is certifiably without basis in fact.

If you want to refer to woke as a mob have at it.
Woke is an adjective derived from African-American Vernacular English (AAVE) meaning "alert to racial prejudice and discrimination". Beginning in the 2010s, it came to encompass a broader awareness of social inequalities such as racial justice, sexism and LGBT rights.

There are bad apples in every bunch. Rioters, or criminals on both sides. They are known to make generalized statements towards other groups based on nothing other than propaganda. E.G all right wingers are racist, or all those fighting for social equality are thugs, woke mob, etc. Don’t be one of those apples. Woke to me simply means being aware of social inequalities. If you think that everyone in this country is treated equally you need to open your ears and eyes. If you want to continue this conversation Ill be happy to in one of the political threads. Yes it is related to the team name but we are really straying into politics at this point. This is supposed to be a celebration of our new owner in here.

I'm fed up of terms like woke being perverted for political/propaganda purposes, especially when it's conflated with cancel culture. 🙄

On the NA topic, I can't remember if I posted this before, but I travelled across the US by bus when I visited in '94. I had the pleasure of spending a few hours sat across from a lovely NA gentleman with his daughter (who was lucky enough to be able to sleep most of the way &#128513. We had a nice chat about how my perception of the US prior to travelling differed to my now reality (not massively as it happens). The conversation turned to his perspective, and I mentioned I was a Redskins fan and how he felt about it. His comments stuck with me ever since. To paraphrase "I don't particularly like our culture being used in marketing etc., but we've got far bigger problems than sports team mascots." I think the problem in all this is the topic was always more political than cultural, and frankly its more than exhausted itself.

It's done, it makes no sense to debate going back to the old name, let alone trying to make it happen. I don't like Commanders; I don't hate it and therein lies the rub. If it wasn't so meh as names go, it would drive more passion from each end of the spectrum. And that's why I think it was chosen, so Snyder could divert attention away from his other troubles, with something that was so vanilla it couldn't seriously offend anyone.

Harris needs time to assess and decide how best to rebuild the franchise. While he may have a view on renaming to something more galvanising, its undoubtedly far down his list of priorities. I think it's time we put that debate to bed, at least until the ownership decides its worth revisiting. Otherwise we're just tilting at windmills.
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