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Message board 101


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Old 10-29-2007, 05:06 PM   #1
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Message board 101

There have been far too many threads lately severely lacking in quality and substance.

This stuff is message board 101 folks.

1) Look at the first page of posts to make sure your topic isn't already being discussed. If you post a duplicate thread it's probably going to get locked really quick, and don't whine if the person that locks it doesn't point out the URL of the already existing thread, it's not our job to do your homework for you. Try a quick search if you're too lazy to look at the first page of posts.

2) Second, create a thread with a clear and concise thread title. If I can't tell what a thread is about by reading the title, it's garbage.

3) Put some quality and substance into your post. That includes using proper grammar and spelling.

4) If you are mad and pissed off over something, stop and cool off before posting. I'm really getting sick and tired of reading these ridiculous, flying off the handle, reactionary threads.

Last but not least, if you are an offender of any of the above when it comes to creating a new thread, you will have your ability to create new threads taken away indefinitely. No questions asked. I've already done it a few times today, so if you can't post a new thread and you're wondering why you now have your answer.
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Old 10-29-2007, 05:10 PM   #2
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Re: Message board 101

Originally Posted by Mattyk72 View Post
There have been far too many threads lately severely lacking in quality and substance.

This stuff is message board 101 folks.

1) Look at the first page of posts to make sure your topic isn't already being discussed. If you post a duplicate thread it's probably going to get locked really quick, and don't whine if the person that locks it doesn't point out the URL of the already existing thread, it's not our job to do your homework for you. Try a quick search if you're too lazy to look at the first page of posts.

2) Second, create a thread with a clear and concise thread title. If I can't tell what a thread is about by reading the title, it's garbage.

3) Put some quality and substance into your post. That includes using proper grammar and spelling.

4) If you are mad and pissed off over something, stop and cool off before posting. I'm really getting sick and tired of reading these ridiculous, flying off the handle, reactionary threads.

Last but not least, if you are an offender of any of the above when it comes to creating a new thread, you will have your ability to create new threads taken away indefinitely. No questions asked. I've already done it a few times today, so if you can't post a new thread and you're wondering why you now have your answer.

seems like rule #4 could be used here?? LOL!

are we graded on spelling, better grab my dictionary. (is that spelled correctly?)

not being a smart ass, just couldn't resist.
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Old 10-29-2007, 05:13 PM   #3
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Re: Message board 101

Thanks for making this clear, Matty. Looking at extremeskins lately, it's just been madness over there. We don't want to devolve into that madhouse.

Here's an idea: to those wishing to vent and rant and just let off some angry steam, go to extremeskins and let it all out. Then come back when your forebrain in working again. You'll find plenty of other crazies to join you in your madness over there,
Hail from Houston!
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Old 10-29-2007, 05:18 PM   #4
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Re: Message board 101

Matty, I'm looking for more posts from you. Do the moderators and administrators not post a lot?
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Old 10-29-2007, 05:19 PM   #5
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Re: Message board 101

Sorry, I am referring to threads...I am interested in you guys creating some interesting threads to take my mind off the loss
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Old 10-29-2007, 05:32 PM   #6
Sheriff Gonna Getcha
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Re: Message board 101

Thank you very much Matty. I have no problem with people complaining about the team's performance on Sunday. However, I would like people to do so in a coherent manner and refrain from starting duplicate threads.
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Old 10-29-2007, 05:42 PM   #7
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Re: Message board 101

Sanity makes a comeback!
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Old 10-29-2007, 05:46 PM   #8
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Re: Message board 101

Rule with an iron fist, Master DeBater, if ya know what I mean...
Hail from Houston!
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Old 10-29-2007, 06:15 PM   #9
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Re: Message board 101

Thank God Matty finally posted this.

Shameless self-promotion. It is what it is.
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Old 10-29-2007, 06:23 PM   #10
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Re: Message board 101

God bless The Ego.
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Old 10-29-2007, 06:32 PM   #11
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Re: Message board 101

One problem I have with this Matty, is that it seems the mods are forcing lots of smaller story lines into one large storyline. When you're pushing so many topics into one broad thread, everyone talks -- no one reads. Once a thread gets over 8 pages long, I typically feel its lost most of its merit. I'd like to see people have the freedom to come out and make a post about something being talked about in another thread but in a more specific manner.

There have been plenty of BS threads lately, but I'd really like to see more threads on more concise subjects than one broad thread where everyone yells and no one reads.
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Old 10-29-2007, 07:28 PM   #12
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Re: Message board 101

Originally Posted by Daseal View Post
One problem I have with this Matty, is that it seems the mods are forcing lots of smaller story lines into one large storyline. When you're pushing so many topics into one broad thread, everyone talks -- no one reads. Once a thread gets over 8 pages long, I typically feel its lost most of its merit. I'd like to see people have the freedom to come out and make a post about something being talked about in another thread but in a more specific manner.

There have been plenty of BS threads lately, but I'd really like to see more threads on more concise subjects than one broad thread where everyone yells and no one reads.
I hear ya but that's really not the point of this. The point is we want more substance and thought put into new topics, less duplicate topics and one worded titles. Lots of times we do have topics that overlap and that's fine, it's when they are blatant duplicates that it gets frustrating, especially when the duplicate topic is right there on the main page of posts.
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Old 10-29-2007, 07:32 PM   #13
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Re: Message board 101

Originally Posted by Daseal View Post
One problem I have with this Matty, is that it seems the mods are forcing lots of smaller story lines into one large storyline. When you're pushing so many topics into one broad thread, everyone talks -- no one reads. Once a thread gets over 8 pages long, I typically feel its lost most of its merit. I'd like to see people have the freedom to come out and make a post about something being talked about in another thread but in a more specific manner.

I second Daseal's sentiments.
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Old 10-29-2007, 07:37 PM   #14
Sheriff Gonna Getcha
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Re: Message board 101

Originally Posted by Daseal View Post
One problem I have with this Matty, is that it seems the mods are forcing lots of smaller story lines into one large storyline. When you're pushing so many topics into one broad thread, everyone talks -- no one reads. Once a thread gets over 8 pages long, I typically feel its lost most of its merit. I'd like to see people have the freedom to come out and make a post about something being talked about in another thread but in a more specific manner.

There have been plenty of BS threads lately, but I'd really like to see more threads on more concise subjects than one broad thread where everyone yells and no one reads.
I am sorry you feel that way and we'll definitely take those comments into consideration. Are there any instances that stand out?
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Old 10-29-2007, 07:50 PM   #15
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Re: Message board 101

Originally Posted by Sheriff Gonna Getcha View Post
I am sorry you feel that way and we'll definitely take those comments into consideration. Are there any instances that stand out?

I would like to start a new thread titled "Poor Redskins Fans" and "Don't get mad, get even" as its main message. What do you think?
"The Redskins have always suffered from chronic organizational deformities under Snyder."

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