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I am happy that Kwame Brown is doing good(NBA)

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Old 04-29-2006, 01:35 AM   #1
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I am happy that Kwame Brown is doing good(NBA)

Beside loving the Skins I am a huge Wizards fan, and just watched Game 3, which we lost by ONE POINT! On a side note, LeBron totally walked on his last game winnng point, but of course the refs wont call on "king james". Anyways my original point, is that Kwame is doing quite well in the playoffs, and towards the end of the season for the Lakers. Although he was terrible here, I am almost proud of him that he is doing He is dominating the Suns right now, passing, scoring, and there doesnt seem to be a problem with his desire either. This is the Kwame we hoped for when we drafted him, and now it shows. At one point the Wiz had both Rasheed and Ben Wallace, Webber, Howard, Kwame, seems like whenver they leave DC, they become great.
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Old 04-29-2006, 01:39 AM   #2
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Re: I am happy that Kwame Brown is doing good(NBA)

Originally Posted by hooskins
Beside loving the Skins I am a huge Wizards fan, and just watched Game 3, which we lost by ONE POINT! On a side note, LeBron totally walked on his last game winnng point, but of course the refs wont call on "king james". Anyways my original point, is that Kwame is doing quite well in the playoffs, and towards the end of the season for the Lakers. Although he was terrible here, I am almost proud of him that he is doing He is dominating the Suns right now, passing, scoring, and there doesnt seem to be a problem with his desire either. This is the Kwame we hoped for when we drafted him, and now it shows. At one point the Wiz had both Rasheed and Ben Wallace, Webber, Howard, Kwame, seems like whenver they leave DC, they become great.
It is either our coaching, or our philosophy that holds these guys back.
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Old 04-29-2006, 03:42 AM   #3
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Re: I am happy that Kwame Brown is doing good(NBA)

Originally Posted by angryssg
It is either our coaching, or our philosophy that holds these guys back.
I don't think it was our coaching that made kwame ditch us during the playoffs last year. I don't think it was our philosophy that made kwame slack off in practice to where he never lived up to potential. Kwame himself threatened to punch our best player in decades (Gilbert) during last year's run...

I think maybe it had something to do with immaturity and now he's growing up in LA.

Geez, how long has Les Boulez been terrible? We're miles ahead of where we used to be- Arenas is a top 10 player and he's still young. Caron is signed to a long extension and he hasn't hit his prime either. Wes Unseld was a terrible GM- Grunfeld and EJ are turning things around. Rome wasn't built in a day folks...
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Old 04-29-2006, 03:59 AM   #4
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Re: I am happy that Kwame Brown is doing good(NBA)

Originally Posted by itvnetop
I don't think it was our coaching that made kwame ditch us during the playoffs last year. I don't think it was our philosophy that made kwame slack off in practice to where he never lived up to potential. Kwame himself threatened to punch our best player in decades (Gilbert) during last year's run...

I think maybe it had something to do with immaturity and now he's growing up in LA.

Geez, how long has Les Boulez been terrible? We're miles ahead of where we used to be- Arenas is a top 10 player and he's still young. Caron is signed to a long extension and he hasn't hit his prime either. Wes Unseld was a terrible GM- Grunfeld and EJ are turning things around. Rome wasn't built in a day folks...
Rome wasn't, but man sure the hell was. Read the Bible, very informative. Some of those men just do not have the talent of those forementioned.
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Old 04-29-2006, 07:04 AM   #5
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Re: I am happy that Kwame Brown is doing good(NBA)

Originally Posted by angryssg
Rome wasn't, but man sure the hell was. Read the Bible, very informative. Some of those men just do not have the talent of those forementioned.
You have to clarify the Bible reference for me, i'm not sure what that has to do with a discussion like this...

also, not sure if you mean caron and gil not having the talent- those two are for real and i'll gladly take a beast like caron over an underperforming kwame 7 days a week.

we need to get some major help on the inside, but doesn' t everybody? our team being competitive in the playoffs is good enough for me right now. Lottery wasn't that long ago.
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Old 04-29-2006, 03:36 AM   #6
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Re: I am happy that Kwame Brown is doing good(NBA)

calling kwame great is vast hyperbole. he looks okay, which is better than "absolutely god-awful" but that's about it.
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Old 04-29-2006, 05:22 AM   #7
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Re: I am happy that Kwame Brown is doing good(NBA)

i think it's too early to say whether kwame is going to be a beast in L.A. Give him a full season where he plays great and then i'll say maybe he's better than he was here. He showed flashes while he was here, but it never materalized. On a side note, if only Gilbert's 3 had gone in, we'd be celebrating right now with a 2-1 series lead. Oh well, we can still win it. Provided we win the next game that is.
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Old 04-29-2006, 11:24 AM   #8
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Re: I am happy that Kwame Brown is doing good(NBA)

I almost refuse to take part in this thread because Kwame is such a bitch ass piece of crap whiny pathetic bum. He did nothing but cry during his entire career in Washington. What a waste of human space. All the physical talent in the world with ZERO heart or desire. His mom should have swallowed and saved us all a lot of trouble.

Phew. OK. There, Ive said my piece.
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Old 04-29-2006, 01:43 PM   #9
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Re: I am happy that Kwame Brown is doing good(NBA)

Originally Posted by amorentz
His mom should have swallowed and saved us all a lot of trouble.

Phew. OK. There, Ive said my piece.
HAHHA!!!! Now that was funny. Yeah I see where you are coming from, and I am def frustrated, but for some odd reason I am happy he is doing well there, and I dont know why. Maybe I am happy bc my belief that a 7ft tall and built first pick should be able to do well in the NBA, was validated.
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Old 04-29-2006, 04:15 PM   #10
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Re: I am happy that Kwame Brown is doing good(NBA)

kwame is doing great?man thats a hell of reach.he is doing better than when he was at washington but,he has a long way to go.on lebron walking on the last shot,if you ever watched nba basketball you know better
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Old 04-30-2006, 02:32 AM   #11
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Re: I am happy that Kwame Brown is doing good(NBA)

Originally Posted by dmek25
\on lebron walking on the last shot,if you ever watched nba basketball you know better
Um actually I DO watch NBA basketball, and I have been for the last 5 years, so I do actually know what I am talking about. He took more than 2.5 steps, and that is a walk buddy. The NBA is loose on that calls sometimes, and also carrying, people do it all the time now. My point is he STILL DEF walked. And if you still think I do not know what am I talking bout, then you should know, all the guys that did the pregame show on espn for late game that follwed that night(Stephen A, Greg Antony, Pippen, etc.) all mentioned that it was a walk when they went over the highlights to the Wiz game, and I was very happy when I heard that my views were not my own. I also checked out some Wizard and NBA forums, many people raised that similar concern that I did, and these guys are people who have followed the league for 15-20 years. So, in fact, I DO know better.
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Old 04-30-2006, 03:32 AM   #12
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Re: I am happy that Kwame Brown is doing good(NBA)

And it has been posted on several sports sites too, ESPN, SI, etc, I could bring it up for you if you would like, but my point is that was a travel, and if not, a very very questionalbe call. Like some people think, I think James got a favorable call, bc he is James.
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Old 04-30-2006, 03:55 AM   #13
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Re: I am happy that Kwame Brown is doing good(NBA)

I am a Laker fan living here in LA and Kwame has definitely improved as the season progressed. He is in an offense he seems to understand, his defense has been very good and he is hitting the offensive glass hard. It all boils down to one thing alone: Phil Jackson. Best coach ever. Period. He has gotten a rag tag group of guys, Odom, Kobe, Luke, Smush Parker and Kwame to play like a team and is 2-1 up on a far superior Suns team. I'm not saying the Lakers will win this series, but to be up 2-1 is something NO ONE expected. I hope Kwame continues to grow and prove his detractors wrong.
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Old 04-30-2006, 08:08 PM   #14
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Re: I am happy that Kwame Brown is doing good(NBA)

Originally Posted by hooskins
Um actually I DO watch NBA basketball, and I have been for the last 5 years, so I do actually know what I am talking about. He took more than 2.5 steps, and that is a walk buddy. The NBA is loose on that calls sometimes, and also carrying, people do it all the time now. My point is he STILL DEF walked. And if you still think I do not know what am I talking bout, then you should know, all the guys that did the pregame show on espn for late game that follwed that night(Stephen A, Greg Antony, Pippen, etc.) all mentioned that it was a walk when they went over the highlights to the Wiz game, and I was very happy when I heard that my views were not my own. I also checked out some Wizard and NBA forums, many people raised that similar concern that I did, and these guys are people who have followed the league for 15-20 years. So, in fact, I DO know better.
I think he was saying that they never call traveling anymore especially on golden child King Lebron. Not only was it a walk but I could have sworn his feet also came down before he got the shot away.

as far as Kwame goes, it's good to see him doing decently for the following reasons: a.) I'm a lakers fan, b.) it's nice to see a guy who came into the league as a kid have absolutely too much pressure and too many expectations put upon his shoulders, and c.) I like to think of it also as Kwame trying to stick it to Jordan.

oh and if the race between Kobe and Nash for the MVP is as close as a lot of the media has been making it out to be, if the Lakers win the series in which they r now up 3-1, does anyone else think that should lean it a bit in Kobe's favor? I understand since it's Kobe a lot of people will instantly say no, but I wanted to see if anyone has an opinion on that.
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Old 05-01-2006, 08:28 PM   #15
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Re: I am happy that Kwame Brown is doing good(NBA)

Originally Posted by skinsfanthru&thru
I think he was saying that they never call traveling anymore especially on golden child King Lebron. Not only was it a walk but I could have sworn his feet also came down before he got the shot away.

i dont watch much basketball but i happened to catch the 4th quarter of the game last night. is it just me or does queen james argue just about every call that goes against him or every call that he doesnt get. I hate crybaby bitches. he was in the refs ear for about 5 min. after a charging call that went against him.just shut up and play.
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