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Kobe Scores 81 Points

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Old 01-23-2006, 04:57 PM   #16
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Re: Kobe Scores 81 Points

hes a
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Old 01-23-2006, 06:29 PM   #17
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Re: Kobe Scores 81 Points

haha lets hand it to Kobe
2 assists this time LOL

can u say BALLHOG!!!

im gettin tired of Kobe
one day he sucks and the next hes scoring 81
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Old 01-23-2006, 06:33 PM   #18
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Re: Kobe Scores 81 Points

and if anyone starts saying, "well maybe kobe is as good/better than mj", i will flip. he may score but mj could do it all, including averaging 30+ points, 8 assists, 8 boards 2 steals per game. i can just see it coming from somehwere that some1 will start to think kobe is better

quoting Big C

i agree...MJ shared the ball and made the players around him no matter who they were better, Kobe is just makin them rusty and worse, it looked like 1 against 5 out there

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Old 01-23-2006, 09:50 PM   #19
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Re: Kobe Scores 81 Points

Originally Posted by Big C
i agree. the nba was at its peak when mj, karl malone, stockton, hakeem, the admiral, barkley, reggie miller, dominique wilkins etc. were at their best in the early 90's and late 80's. but the nba is still good to me.

and if anyone starts saying, "well maybe kobe is as good/better than mj", i will flip. he may score but mj could do it all, including averaging 30+ points, 8 assists, 8 boards 2 steals per game. i can just see it coming from somehwere that some1 will start to think kobe is better
I'll still watch it during the finals, but it's just not the same to me. Even though I pulled for the Lakers, I did miss seeing players like Larry Bird, Magic Johnson, Michael Jordan, John Stockton. I don't know, I guess it's getting harder for me to relate to it like I can football. Not to sound racist, but I guess it's the image of the NBA that I can't relate to. Not that it's wrong, I just miss the old days.
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Old 01-23-2006, 11:29 PM   #20
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Re: Kobe Scores 81 Points

even scottie pippen says he doesn't think MJ could have done what kobe did last night and could at this pace eclipse MJ and to me that's saying something that a former teammate of MJ of that caliber who has never been a big fan of kobe said that. And plus the comparisions just can't be made until kobe has the same level of talent around him again like MJ did during the bulls run. and another point not too many people make about kobe is the fact that even though he shoots and scores a lot, u never here about whomever he's guarding even coming close to doing the same. So many people make him out to be just a scorer, but he should also get more credit for his defensive abilities. It is rather sad that he has to shoot as much as he does, but once again who does he have around him that can regularly step up and provide around 20 pts a game? There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that if Lebron or Wade were doing what Kobe is, they'd be getting nothing but praise from fans and the media. Kobe's accomplishments will forever be tainted by what took place in Colorado and he has no one to blame but himself for that.
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Old 01-23-2006, 11:33 PM   #21
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Re: Kobe Scores 81 Points

Originally Posted by skinsguy
I'll still watch it during the finals, but it's just not the same to me. Even though I pulled for the Lakers, I did miss seeing players like Larry Bird, Magic Johnson, Michael Jordan, John Stockton. I don't know, I guess it's getting harder for me to relate to it like I can football. Not to sound racist, but I guess it's the image of the NBA that I can't relate to. Not that it's wrong, I just miss the old days.
I agree the NBA just isn't the same anymore.

Growing up I was a huge fan of Larry Bird and the Celtics. Kevin McHale (loved his moves in the paint), #00 Robert Parish in the middle, Dennis Johnson, Danny Ainge, Walton at the end, etc., they just had some great teams. The rivalries were so big then too, the Celtics-Lakers, Celtics-Pistons, etc. I'm not sure if it was a race thing, but I guess as a kid it was cool to see a bunch of white guys ballin', and with Bird he was one of the best players in the league period.

I miss the days of Isiah Thomas and the Bad Boys in Detroit, Dominique Wilkins in Atlanta, Magic, Worthy and Kareem in LA... fun times.

I kinda hopped on the Bulls bandwagon in the 90's, loved the duo of Jordan and Pippen, but since then I barely even watch the playoffs or Finals.

I get my basketball fix in March, NCAA is where it's at for hoops.
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Old 01-24-2006, 02:09 AM   #22
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Re: Kobe Scores 81 Points

Originally Posted by Gibbs is God
and if anyone starts saying, "well maybe kobe is as good/better than mj", i will flip. he may score but mj could do it all, including averaging 30+ points, 8 assists, 8 boards 2 steals per game. i can just see it coming from somehwere that some1 will start to think kobe is better

quoting Big C

i agree...MJ shared the ball and made the players around him no matter who they were better, Kobe is just makin them rusty and worse, it looked like 1 against 5 out there

Do you even watch basketball? Are you kidding me?

Smush Parker? Devean George? Chris Mihm? Sasha Vujacic? You mean he is supposed to share with these people? At least with Derek Fisher he was consistent but none of these guys are.

He shot 60.8% and the team shot 33.3%, please tell me you can see that he was a) shooting the lights out b) going for history c) the team was sucking.

They were down by 18 points when he started his historic night. Jordan did the same 1 on 5 thing until he got his championship cast and his highest output was 69. Jordan didn't share until Scottie, Paxson, Grant, etc. joined up.

Is Kobe better than Jordan? Hell no.
Is Kobe a prick? Probably.
Is Kobe an idiot (see: colorado)? Yes.
Is Kobe a great player, who is only 27 by the way, and just scored the second most points in our lifetime? Yes.

One last thing: how can "one day he sucks and the next hes scoring 81?" Check his stats before saying something so asinine.
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Old 01-24-2006, 05:21 AM   #23
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Re: Kobe Scores 81 Points

Kobe is the most feared scorer in the league right now... possibly the past five years.

But Kobe is not a legend like many laker fans are already proclaiming after his single greatest performance of the past decade. MJ, Magic, and Bird made their teammates better. Kobe's teammates stand around and watch him more than 40 percent of the game. He can score 45 a game, but as long as his team hovers around .500 he'll never get the same kind of respect as the real legends. You have to elevate the players around you- even though MJ had pippen, i still remember the names of hodges, paxson, and cartright. Odom can be as effective as Pippen offensively (defensively, Pippen was the man) as his Miami days proved. Yet his game has regressed next to Kobe. Don't tell me Lamar sucks and that's not Kobe's fault... Lamar was at the top of his game next to Wade.

I'd go so far as to say Lebron and Wade are players I'd rather have on my team than Kobe. Those two elevate the play of their teammates, they don't elicit star-watching from their other 4 guys on the court. Oh yeah, Miami's in second without shaq, so no mention of the big fella when talkin' bout Wade. Even before shaq, miami came within a game of making it to the Eastern finals the year before. Odom and Butler are good, but the team never went anywhere until Wade's rookie season.

The players go to the team with the guy they know they can 1) win with and 2) increase their marketabililty with. Not one significant FA went to LA before this season to play with Kobe. 3 significant FAs went to Cleveland to play with Lebron- Hughes, Marshall, and Jones (albeit Hughes' contract was a big factor). We're talking about Cleveland here! Not many people would normally pick the city of cleveland over LA, much less professional ball players. Well, it's because Lebron will make you look better. In doing so, you will increase your visibility and endorsement potential. You're not getting any of that watching Kobe get off for 50 a night. Maybe there is a reason why kobe is "forced" to shoot 41 times a game- no one wants to play with him!

Kobe better find a way to get his sidekicks involved or else they ain't getting out of the first round in the west. Or else, he's gotta lure some FAs to LA to play with him... but like i said, no one is coming to LA if he keeps playing like he's playing.

Last edited by itvnetop; 01-24-2006 at 05:33 AM.
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Old 01-24-2006, 12:28 PM   #24
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Re: Kobe Scores 81 Points

Originally Posted by itvnetop
Kobe is the most feared scorer in the league right now... possibly the past five years.

But Kobe is not a legend like many laker fans are already proclaiming after his single greatest performance of the past decade. MJ, Magic, and Bird made their teammates better. Kobe's teammates stand around and watch him more than 40 percent of the game. He can score 45 a game, but as long as his team hovers around .500 he'll never get the same kind of respect as the real legends. You have to elevate the players around you- even though MJ had pippen, i still remember the names of hodges, paxson, and cartright. Odom can be as effective as Pippen offensively (defensively, Pippen was the man) as his Miami days proved. Yet his game has regressed next to Kobe. Don't tell me Lamar sucks and that's not Kobe's fault... Lamar was at the top of his game next to Wade.

I'd go so far as to say Lebron and Wade are players I'd rather have on my team than Kobe. Those two elevate the play of their teammates, they don't elicit star-watching from their other 4 guys on the court. Oh yeah, Miami's in second without shaq, so no mention of the big fella when talkin' bout Wade. Even before shaq, miami came within a game of making it to the Eastern finals the year before. Odom and Butler are good, but the team never went anywhere until Wade's rookie season.

The players go to the team with the guy they know they can 1) win with and 2) increase their marketabililty with. Not one significant FA went to LA before this season to play with Kobe. 3 significant FAs went to Cleveland to play with Lebron- Hughes, Marshall, and Jones (albeit Hughes' contract was a big factor). We're talking about Cleveland here! Not many people would normally pick the city of cleveland over LA, much less professional ball players. Well, it's because Lebron will make you look better. In doing so, you will increase your visibility and endorsement potential. You're not getting any of that watching Kobe get off for 50 a night. Maybe there is a reason why kobe is "forced" to shoot 41 times a game- no one wants to play with him!

Kobe better find a way to get his sidekicks involved or else they ain't getting out of the first round in the west. Or else, he's gotta lure some FAs to LA to play with him... but like i said, no one is coming to LA if he keeps playing like he's playing.
well as faras free agents, the lakers had zero money to bring in free agents this past season as they had a bit of dead money destroying their cap. and I really liked the trade to bring in odom and butler, really didn't like getting rid of butler for brown , but lets not make odom out to be an offensive machine as his career average before he came to the lakers is only 15.72 pts/game and since he's joined the lakers his average has only dropped by .87 points a game. Kobe's still averaging 4.3 assists a game this season (only .1 less than his career average) despite jacking up as many shots as he does and the guy has 14-15 triple doubles so he's shown in the past he's not just a scorer. Plus with the comparison between Lebron and Kobe it boils down to the fact that Lebron is more of a PG than a SG and his outside game is nothing even close to what Kobe does on a regular basis as most of Lebrons game is on cuts and slashes to the basket. And Wade definitely has had quite a bit of talent around him which makes it easier for him to pass the ball off when someone's open. And something for some people to think about as far as how many shots Kobe is taking: Kobe only averages 8 more shots a game than Wade, 7 more than Arenas, 6 more than McGrady, 5 more shots than Lebron, and only 2 more shots a game than AI, but yet where's the media and fans saying something about that. A lot of people just like to hate and Tony and Mike had it dead on yesterday on PTI that if Jordan had done this, the celebration would have been overwhelming.
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Old 01-24-2006, 09:14 PM   #25
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Re: Kobe Scores 81 Points

Originally Posted by Mattyk72
I agree the NBA just isn't the same anymore.

Growing up I was a huge fan of Larry Bird and the Celtics. Kevin McHale (loved his moves in the paint), #00 Robert Parish in the middle, Dennis Johnson, Danny Ainge, Walton at the end, etc., they just had some great teams. The rivalries were so big then too, the Celtics-Lakers, Celtics-Pistons, etc. I'm not sure if it was a race thing, but I guess as a kid it was cool to see a bunch of white guys ballin', and with Bird he was one of the best players in the league period.

I miss the days of Isiah Thomas and the Bad Boys in Detroit, Dominique Wilkins in Atlanta, Magic, Worthy and Kareem in LA... fun times.

I kinda hopped on the Bulls bandwagon in the 90's, loved the duo of Jordan and Pippen, but since then I barely even watch the playoffs or Finals.

I get my basketball fix in March, NCAA is where it's at for hoops.
Yep! Exactly! I think you pretty much summed up pro basketball exactly the way I feel, and yes, I get my basketball fix during the ACC Tournament and the NCAA tournament!
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Old 01-24-2006, 10:08 PM   #26
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Re: Kobe Scores 81 Points

who gives a ****.............they want win anything.....The Championship still goes through San Antonio.......
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Old 01-24-2006, 10:28 PM   #27
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Re: Kobe Scores 81 Points

Originally Posted by ST21
who gives a ****.............they want win anything.....The Championship still goes through San Antonio.......
yeah, after the Pistons drive through like a semi through wet toilet paper.
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Old 01-25-2006, 08:31 AM   #28
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Re: Kobe Scores 81 Points

kobe can never be the MJ poster child... after colorado and the shaq thing (where shaq blamed kobe for 100% of the problems and his coach did too (and in a book form to boot)), there's just a lot of continuing bitterness (a lot of the local press dislike him and blame him for blowing up a yearly contender). When the locals don't like the star, its kind of hard.

oh yeah, his team still sucks. It'd be hard for anyone to help make kwame look good.
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